This file contains installation steps for MajorMUD v1.1i and v1.1i-WG *** *** *** PLEASE READ THIS FILE, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ALREADY OWN MAJORMUD *** *** *** If you are reading this file then you must have unzipped the release .zip file into a temporary directory which was empty prior to unzipping. If this is not the case, please do the following now and then come back to this file: 1) Create a new, EMPTY directory (MD C:\WCC CD \WCC ) 3) Unzip the release file into that directory (PKUNZIP \WCCR7.ZIP) 4) Return to reading this file (readme.txt) Your next steps depend on whether or not this is a new installation. Note that you must be running one of the following versions of MajorBBS to run MajorMUD: MajorBBS 6.25 WorldGroup 1.00 WorldGroup 1.01 WorldGroup 2.00 MajorMUD is *not* yet supported on WorldGroup 3.0 for both DOS and NT. If you are running MajorBBS 6.21 then you must read the sysop release notes (wccmmud.rln) for more information. NEW INSTALLATION ================ For a new installation, you can just type INSTALL from the directory in which you unzipped the release. This will copy all of the files into your BBS directory as appropriate. Please thoroughly read the sysop release notes which are displayed after the installation process. The file name is WCCMMUD.RLN if you wish to print it out for your records. Please print the file WCCREG.TXT, fill it in, and submit it as described in the file. You should add MajorMUD to your menu tree at this point. Please refer to your Galacticomm documentation for instructions on how to do this. You are now ready to modify your CNF options and start your BBS. If you received this as a DEMO program, just make sure that the activation code is DEMO (all upper case) and then you are ready to go. If you have purchased MajorMUD then you will have to enter the activation code in the ACTIVATE option. If you are installing MajorMUD on a DMA server then you must read the sysop release notes (Wccmmud.rln) for more information on DMA servers. You will have to provide West Coast Creations with additional information so that you may receive a DMA access code. Without this you will not be able to access MajorMUD on your DMA server. Depending on your current system configuration (memory, etc.) you may have to adjust some of the buffer settings. Again, please refer to the sysop release notes (wccmmud.rln) for more information. ** ** ** ** ** IF YOUR SYSTEM CRASHES IMMEDIATELY UPON STARTUP THEN YOU PROBABLY ** ** HAVE TO LOWER THE SETTINGS FOR YOUR MAJORMUD BUFFERS. ** ** ** ** REFER TO WCCMMUD.RLN FOR INFORMATION ON CHANGING BUFFERS. ** ** ** ** ** UPGRADE INSTALLATION ==================== If you are upgrading from an earlier version of MajorMUD then you have a few more steps which have to be made. Although you do NOT have to reset MajorMUD as part of the installation there are a few sysops who have expressed this as their plan. SYSOPS WHO ARE RESETTING read this: ======================== Follow these steps to fully reset your game of MajorMUD: 1) Prior to shutting down your BBS, go to the SYSOP menu in MajorMUD and 'Clear all saved evil points' 2) Write your activation code down in a safe place remembering that it is case-sensitive. 3) Delete all of the WCC files from your BBS directory (NOTE: If you own the WCC line control or WCC key control module then contact Lance to find out which files to not delete) 4) Follow the installation procedures as if you were a New Installation 5) Immediately upon the first start of your BBS after installation, go to the SYSOP menu in MajorMUD and 'Clear Saved Evil Points'. If you are 100% certain that absolutely nobody died or was deleted between the point at which you did step 1 and now then you don't have to be quite as fast to do this :) SYSOPS WHO ARE NOT RESETTING read this: ============================ 1) Take a full backup of all your WCC files from your BBS directory 2) In your BBS directory, DELETE the file WCCTEXT.MSG (del wcctext.msg) If you skip this step then your MajorMUD Menu may look WRONG. 3) In your BBS directory, DELETE the file WCCMMHLP.MSG (del wccmmhlp.msg) If you skip this step then all of your help will be OUT OF DATE. 4) Complete the upgrade by typing INSTALL in the directory in which you unzipped the release. 5) Read the sysop release notes (WCCMMUD.RLN) completely. If you previously printed this file out, please do so again because it has changed substantially. Do the same with WCCMMSYS.NOT (the online commands reference). 6) If you had changed the setting for extra levels of experience before training, you may have to lower the value as the maximum is now 10. If you had it set higher then you will get a catastro error when you start your bbs. 7) For approximately the first 5-60 minutes (depending on system speed), MajorMUD will be automatically applying a large database update. When it starts, it will log to the audit trail "Found Database Update". When it completes, it will log "Automatic Database Update Complete" to the audit trail. It is HIGHLY recommended that you shutdown your bbs and restart it once you receive the second message. If you don't, your system will not run as smoothly as it could until the next shutdown. You will also miss out on a number of the new database changes until your bbs restarts. *** NOTE: There must be at least one character *IN* the game for the *** update to apply itself. Please do not stop people from entering *** the game during this time. ======================================================================== For all installations, the first time the BBS is run after you install MajorMUD, it will detect that there is an upgrade database (wccupdat.dat) and automatically apply it. ***** During this time your BBS will run slower than normal. Do not panic. ***** You can check your audit trail and it will inform you that it found an update and it will also record when it has completed performing the update. If you have any questions, please consult the sysop release notes (wccmmud.rln) and contact Lance as described there with your questions/comments.